Federal Grant Evaluation > Other Grants
We have extensive experience working
with clients on other federally funded
grant programs including the following:
National Science
National Science Foundation (NSF) INCLUDES Conference for Broadening Participation in STEM
The conferences are expected to be equivalent to two to three days of meetings to focus on possible roles and responsibilities of the mini-backbones and national backbone organization in each of the key phases of NSF INCLUDES. Conference activities may include contrasting the collective impact model to other models associated with scaling and sustaining innovations designed to address grand challenges in broadening participation in STEM.
National Science Foundation (NSF) INCLUDES Design and Development Launch Pilots
Two-year pilot projects that explore the feasibility of bold, innovative ways for solving a broadening participation challenge in STEM. Successful pilots will deliver models or prototypes, which incorporate data and measurement infrastructures, supporting collective efforts aimed at increasing the active participation of those who have been traditionally underserved and underrepresented in all STEM fields.
Centers for Disease Control
CDC/National Center on Birth Defects and Developmental Disabilities funding of the National Resource Center on ADHD (NRC)
As a National Public Health Practice and Resource Center (NPHPRC) on ADHD, the NRC is developing and providing health promotion programs and health communication and education resources for both professionals and the public
Health Resources &
Services Administration
HRSA Office of Rural Health Policy: Rural Health Network Development Planning Grant Program
Establish a rural health network to create a foundation for their infrastructure and form a coordinated plan among members to address important regional or local health needs.
Corporation for National and Community Service AmeriCorps Program
Corporation for National and Community Service AmeriCorps Program
AmeriCorps is a network of national service programs, made up of three primary programs that each take a different approach to improving lives and fostering civic engagement. Members commit their time to address critical community needs like increasing academic achievement, mentoring youth, fighting poverty, sustaining national parks, preparing for disasters, and more.